Xueyang Kang

No. 36 East North Third Ring Road, Dongcheng District, Beijing·
Qualcomm R & D Department, Robotic Visual Group. xueykang@qti.qualcomm.com

I have experience in autonomous system design and product landing, my research interest focusing on SLAM and robotic navigation and semantic perception.


Robotic Software Engineer at Qualcomm

September 2018 - Present
Research Exploration of robust and light-weight SLAM, Programming, System Integration, Improving of Product Performance

Get involved in the commercialization of Qualcomm new VSLAM 3.0 product based on Snapdragon QC845(Cortex-A75). Code programming and porting for EKF based fusion framework to provide prior pose for visual SLAM.

  • Fused semantic label into SLAM association framework, to speed up feature search and enhance matching performance, please refer to my first paper in publication list.
  • Programmed the EKF based framework, VO being loosely coupled with imu, wheel encoder and depth to improve the system robustness and accuracy.
  • Ported the sensor fusion code from "ROS" to Windows for debugging and simulation purpose, Optimized latency and memory management via SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions).

Student as Udacian

June 2017 - August 2018
Took online Courses,Completed Homework, Project Programmming

a.Involved in Robotic Software Engineer Nanodegree Program.

  1. Search and Sample Resturn
  2. Pick and Place
  3. 3D Perception
  4. Quadrotor Follows Me
  1. Robotic Inference
  2. Where Am I?
  3. Map My World Robot
  4. Reinforcement Learning based Manipulator

Certificate granted for successful graduation.

b.Involved in Flying Car Nanodegree Program.

  1. Backyard Flyer
  2. 3D Motion Planning
  3. Nonlinear Cascaded Controller
  4. EKF for Quadrotor:

Certificate granted for successful graduation.

MASTER Student at Technical University Munich

April 2017 - December 2018
Master Thesis Topic Research, Code Simulation, Hardware Prototyping, System Integration and Test

3D reconstruction via static and dynamic way, via affordable 2D Lidar, Part1, Part2.

  • Setup work for hardware, and development environment on Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu PC, driver install and data acquisition.
  • Manufactured a kit for 3D scanning to contain the Lidar and motor, performed 3D scan at static location.
  • Programmed to synchronize the different data streams and completed calibration for the whole sensor framework.
  • Fused attitude estimation from IMU with position estimation from HectorSLAM to generate 3D scan along motion.
  • Desinged specific metrics implemented through Octree iterator, to evaluate the similarity and difference of two point cloud by varying means for a same scenario.

Research Assistant at Techinical University Munich

May 2017 - August 2018
Valles Marineris Explorer" Navigation, Mission and Control,

Sensor calibration and hardware setup. Due to Intellectual Property, partial code not public.

  • Mitigated the stereo camera Bumblebee, and Decawave UWB driver in ROS framework.
  • Established the simulator in Gazebo, Used URDF to model a physical rover, integrating the sensot Plugin to interface with Gazebo world.
  • Built the synchronization framework for image pair and UWB.
  • Initialize the ORB SLAM with the depth triangulated from stereo camera to improve the tracking performance.

Intership at Shanghai ABB

July 2016 - September 2016
Robotic Real-time Controller Project

Robot Speed Controller Programming on FPGA

  • Programmed state transition sequence for brushless motor on ZYNQ 7000 Xilinx(FPGA + ARM A9).
  • Desinged a interfacing terminal to query the motor status, and configure the control mode.
  • Programmed the speed PID controller on ARM A9, and tested the acceleration and deceleration performance of motor.

Bachelor Student at Hangzhou Dianzi University

September 2012 - March 2013
Bachelor Thesis Topic, Designed Intelligent DC-DC Optimizer for Solar Cells., Due to Intellectual Property Conduct, code not public

  • In charge of algorithm implementation, for tracking maximal output power from pv.
  • Programmed the Maximal Power Point Tracking(MPPT) and extraction algorithm and realized on DSP.
  • Cooperated with team members to prototype the power circuit, and Tested the hardware with DSP controller flashed with MPPT algorithm.
  • Assembled the whole system with real photovoltaic cell array, and verified the performance under dynamic disturbance, like partial occlusion or extreme wheather condition like cloudy or raining.


Techinical University Munich

October 2016 - February 2018
Master of Science
Embedded System - Robotic Navigation

GPA: 1,7/1,0

July 2014 - July 2016

Shanghai Tongji University

Master of Engineering
Embedded System - Controlling Engineering

GPA: 87/100

Hangzhou Dianzi Technical University

September 2009 - June 2013
Bachelor of Engineering
Automation - Autonomous System Design

GPA: 91/100


Programming Languages & Tools
  • LaTex
  • Matlab
  • C++
  • C
Workflow Tools


  • DSP(TMS320C2XX)
  • ARM(Raspberry)
  • FPGA(Xilinx Zynq®-7000 SoC)
  • Altium 09
  • Multism X


  • ROS 1.0 + Ubuntu
  • Anaconda + Jupyter Notebook
  • CUDA
  • TensorFlow + PyTorch + Keras + OpenAI
  • OpenCV + PCL +Octree


Apart from being a robotic engineer, I enjoy most of my time being indoors, reading books about biographies of famous people in the world, playing flute, African drumming, singing.

When stay alone, I like meditation, reading techinical news blogs, and raeding neat code related to robotic navigation.

During the warmer wheather. Football, table tennis, badminton, are my preferable sport. I enjoy backpack hiking, solo-travelling around the world. Now footprint through 10 countries, 30 cities.

Awards & Certifications

  1. Contributor for help organization of academia workshop with Universities - Qualcomm Certification 2018
  2. Excellance Award - ABB University Innovation Contest - ABB Engineering, Shanghai 2016
  3. Programming Certificate - NAO Robot Programming Hackathon - Aldebaran Robotics, Shanghai 2015
  4. 3rd - TI National University Measurement and Instrument Design Contest - Texas Instrument, Beijing 2013
  5. 2nd - Zhejiang Province No.13 "Challenge Cup" Undergraduate Curricular Academic Science and Technology Work Competition - Zhejiang Education Department, Hangzhou 2013

Patents & Publications

Co-Owner of 2 Application Patents in China.

  1. Solar DC-DC Optmizer Patent
  2. Solar DC-AC Power Patent


  1. X. Kang, S. Yuan. "Robust Data Association for Object-level Semantic SLAM" Submitted to International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2020), still under review. Full paper link, English version.
  2. X. Kang, S. Yin and Y. Fen, "3D Reconstruction & Assessment Framework based on affordable 2D Lidar," 2018 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Auckland, New Zealand, 2018, pp. 292-297. Full paper link, English version, Demo link
  3. Lei Wang, Xueyang Kang, Wenxiang Pan. Fault analysis system design based on C919 airplane Landing gear. Electronic measurement technology[J], 2017,40(01):155-159. Chinese version
  4. Xueyang Kang, Chu Xue, MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm for photovoltaic DC-DC optimizer. Zhejiang Institute of Electronics. Proceedings of Zhejiang Institute of Electronics 2012 Annual Conference[C], 2012: 4. Chinese version
  5. Hui Zhang, Xueyang Kang, Fiber Optic Gyroscope Automatic Test System Design. Automatic Test System[J]. Industrial Instrumentation and Automation, 2017(01):37-41. Chinese version