I have experience in autonomous system design and product landing, my research interest focusing on SLAM and robotic navigation and semantic perception.
Get involved in the commercialization of Qualcomm new VSLAM 3.0 product based on Snapdragon QC845(Cortex-A75). Code programming and porting for EKF based fusion framework to provide prior pose for visual SLAM.
a.Involved in Robotic Software Engineer Nanodegree Program.
Term1Certificate granted for successful graduation.
b.Involved in Flying Car Nanodegree Program.
Certificate granted for successful graduation.
3D reconstruction via static and dynamic way, via affordable 2D Lidar, Part1, Part2.
Sensor calibration and hardware setup. Due to Intellectual Property, partial code not public.
Robot Speed Controller Programming on FPGA
GPA: 1,7/1,0
GPA: 87/100
GPA: 91/100
Apart from being a robotic engineer, I enjoy most of my time being indoors, reading books about biographies of famous people in the world, playing flute, African drumming, singing.
When stay alone, I like meditation, reading techinical news blogs, and raeding neat code related to robotic navigation.
During the warmer wheather. Football, table tennis, badminton, are my preferable sport. I enjoy backpack hiking, solo-travelling around the world. Now footprint through 10 countries, 30 cities.
Co-Owner of 2 Application Patents in China.